When you are facing any financial crunch and you do need financial assistance, you have two options. The first option is to apply for a personal loan from a bank; the other option is to seek a personal loan from private finance. Now, there are certain criteria to get a personal loan from any financial institution. An important part or criteria is to maintain the CIBIL Score. You must have a good score if you want a personal loan. It plays a vital role as if you do not have a good CIBI Score, your application for a personal loan might get rejected. You should be well-aware of the various factors and criteria to get a personal loan. You must try your best to maintain your CIBIL Score. Now, you must know that if you want to apply for a personal loan, it is a vital part for you to decide the institution from where you want to apply for it. If you apply for a personal loan from a bank, you would have to submit a lot of documents. You would also notice that the entire ...